
QUEST - The Journal of Global Underwater Explorers

Quest, in addition to being a great digital dive magazine, is a journal for the global GUE community to share our passion for the sport as well as our love for the environments we explore and protect.

Every issue includes articles covering a variety of subjects, including:
  • Accounts of wreck and cave exploration
  • Exotic dive travels
  • Diver education and safety
  • Exercise and physiology
  • Diverse aquatic environments and ecological considerations 
To read Quest Magazine, become a member at one of our four membership levels, each with its own additional benefits.
<-- Click the cover to see a sample of Quest!

Quest is available online in PDF format and in-browser viewing to all GUE Members. If you would like to become a member of GUE and have access to Quest, please visit our Membership section.

If you are not yet a GUE Member but you are interested in exploring what Quest has to offer, please check out these free articles from the latest issue (Volume 26, #1, published in February 2025) by clicking on the image to the left. You can read the article online or download a pdf version.


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