GUE Instructor resumé

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Classes I teach:
Discover Diving
Scuba Diver
Open Water Diver
GUE Fundamentals
Performance Diver
GUE Basic Fundamentals
GUE Technical Fundamentals
Doubles Primer
Drysuit Primer
- Lead instructor of Dive Newquay 2017-2019
- Manager at Scubalife Greece 2020-2022
- Instructor at Base1 Sardinia 2023-Present
Diving Qualifications
- SSI Assistant Instructor Trainer
- SSI TXR instructor
- SSI XR CCR instructor
- TDI CCR Instructor
- GUE Tech 1
- GUE Cave 1
Diving Experience
- 3500 total dives
- 250+ Technical dives
- 200+ CCR dives
- 100+ cave dives
- diving since 2007
- 10 Years teaching experience
Community Involvement
- Project Diver for Ghost Diving UK & Greece
- Member of Phreatic Sardinia
Special interests
- Underwater Photography
- Wreck Exploration
- Cave Exploration & Survey
- Environmental Conservation
- Journey to Ithaka- Ghost Diving Blog
- Saving Lives at Sea- Season 4-ep5
Languages I teach classes in
- English